Hall of Meditation

Hall of Meditation

The Circle.

The Key to Astraltravelling.
The Key to manifest visualizations.
The Key to Magick.
The key to self healing and remote healing.
The Key to Rest the Body and Soul.
The Key to give and obtain energy.
The Key to Spiritual Growth.
The key to Engergywork and Lightwork.
The Key to Self Realization,knowledge of your true self.
The Key to Inner Peace.

Many people including healers and teachers of spirituality
are using music and other techniques
to help relaxing and grounding before all types of meditating.
This is a huge mistake.
The eventual music or other will drive
the meditation in a certain direction
(this work well for certain kinds of meditation ,
where you want to obtain a certain state or heal certain illnesses)
and not let it flow freely...for a free meditation.
Breathing techniques are very helpful however in all kinds of meditation.

The good settings for a meditation to give what you try to achive is
no disturbance such as sharp music,noise,sharp light or sharp smells.
As well as realaxing and grounding
then also neutrality is an important setting for a meditation.
Unless you have an emergency situation such as ex:
sudden stress, fear or pain,its here meditation music does it most effect.

Work in Progress.
The Circle
The natural progression of the mind is to move from intention and
expectation,to desire,and then to merging-hence,the "Three Eyes of
Kerridwen".Another perhaps simpler way to see the steps of "The Three Eyes"
is to view them as (A)conceiving (B)creating,and (C) eperiencing.Basically a
formula for patterning energy,"The Three Eyes of Kerridwen" provide a
straight forward path that moves your mind energy from A to B to C.You can
use this process in any magical work,including spellworking,and as well a
means to spiritwalking ,for in spiritwalking you have to be intuned to all
energy and it takes a lot of concentrations and many other things.First,you
need to to be very clear about your intention and what it is you expect,and
most of all that you really want it.Second, you need to build a strong
desire toward your intended creation.Third,you merge with oneness as deeply
as possible and then a little deeper still,allowing your
intention,epectation,and desire to flow out of you and circulate into
oneness.See and sense yourself releasing thought energy so powerful that
this energy becomes manifested and created.All magical traditions involve
gathering,moving,directing,and shaping energy into patterns with merging as
the key for facilitating the magic.